Source code for mrparse.mr_analyse

import json
import multiprocessing
import os
import subprocess
import sys

from jinja2 import Environment, FileSystemLoader

from mrparse.mr_log import setup_logging
from mrparse.mr_util import make_workdir, now
from mrparse.mr_hkl import HklInfo
from mrparse.mr_search_model import SearchModelFinder
from mrparse.mr_sequence import Sequence, MultipleSequenceException, merge_multiple_sequences
from mrparse.mr_classify import MrClassifier
from mrparse.mr_version import __version__

THIS_DIR = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__))
HTML_DIR = os.path.join(THIS_DIR, 'html')
HTML_TEMPLATE = os.path.join(HTML_DIR, 'mrparse.html.jinja2')
HTML_OUT = 'mrparse.html'
HOMOLOGS_JS = 'homologs.json'
MODELS_JS = 'models.json'

logger = None

[docs]def run(seqin, hklin=None, run_serial=False, do_classify=True, pdb_dir=None, phmmer_dblvl=None, search_engine=None, tmhmm_exe=None, deepcoil_exe=None, hhsearch_exe=None, hhsearch_db=None, ccp4cloud=None): # Need to make a work directory first as all logs go into there work_dir = make_workdir() os.chdir(work_dir) global logger logger = setup_logging() program_name = os.path.basename(sys.argv[0])"Running: %s", program_name)"Version: %s", __version__)"Program started at: %s", now())"Running from directory: %s", work_dir) if not (seqin and os.path.isfile(seqin)): raise RuntimeError("Cannot find seqin file: %s" % seqin)"Running with seqin %s", os.path.abspath(seqin)) try: seq_info = Sequence(seqin) except MultipleSequenceException:"Multiple sequences found seqin: %s\n\nAttempting to merge sequences", seqin) seq_info = merge_multiple_sequences(seqin)"Merged sequence file: %s", seq_info.sequence_file) hkl_info = None if hklin: if not os.path.isfile(hklin): raise RuntimeError("Cannot find hklin file: %s" % hklin)"Running with hklin %s", os.path.abspath(hklin)) hkl_info = HklInfo(hklin, seq_info=seq_info) if search_engine == "hhsearch": if not hhsearch_exe: raise RuntimeError("HHSearch executable needs to be defined with --hhsearch_exe") elif not hhsearch_db: raise RuntimeError("HHSearch database needs to be defined with --hhsearch_db") search_model_finder = SearchModelFinder(seq_info, hkl_info=hkl_info, pdb_dir=pdb_dir, phmmer_dblvl=phmmer_dblvl, search_engine=search_engine, hhsearch_exe=hhsearch_exe, hhsearch_db=hhsearch_db) classifier = None if do_classify: classifier = MrClassifier(seq_info=seq_info, tmhmm_exe=tmhmm_exe, deepcoil_exe=deepcoil_exe) if run_serial: run_analyse_serial(search_model_finder, classifier, hkl_info, do_classify) else: search_model_finder, classifier, hkl_info = run_analyse_parallel(search_model_finder, classifier, hkl_info, do_classify) # results_json = get_results_json(search_model_finder, hkl_info=hkl_info, classifier=classifier) # html_out = write_output_files(results_json) html_out = write_output_files(search_model_finder, hkl_info=hkl_info, classifier=classifier, ccp4cloud=ccp4cloud)"Wrote MrParse output file: %s", html_out) if not ccp4cloud: opencmd = None if sys.platform.lower().startswith('linux'): opencmd = 'xdg-open' elif sys.platform.lower().startswith('darwin'): opencmd = 'open' if opencmd: subprocess.Popen([opencmd, html_out]) return 0
[docs]def run_analyse_serial(search_model_finder, classifier, hkl_info, do_classify): try: search_model_finder() except Exception as e: logger.critical('SearchModelFinder failed: %s' % e) logger.debug("Traceback is:", exc_info=sys.exc_info()) if do_classify: try: classifier() except Exception as e: logger.critical('MrClassifier failed: %s' % e) logger.debug("Traceback is:", exc_info=sys.exc_info()) if hkl_info: try: hkl_info() except Exception as e: logger.critical('HklInfo failed: %s' % e) logger.debug("Traceback is:", exc_info=sys.exc_info())
[docs]def run_analyse_parallel(search_model_finder, classifier, hkl_info, do_classify): nproc = 3 if hkl_info else 2"Running on %d processors." % nproc) pool = multiprocessing.Pool(nproc) smf_result = pool.apply_async(search_model_finder) if do_classify: mrc_result = pool.apply_async(classifier) if hkl_info: hklin_result = pool.apply_async(hkl_info) pool.close() logger.debug("Pool waiting") pool.join() logger.debug("Pool finished") try: search_model_finder = smf_result.get() except Exception as e: logger.critical('SearchModelFinder failed: %s' % e) logger.debug("Traceback is:", exc_info=sys.exc_info()) if do_classify: try: classifier = mrc_result.get() except Exception as e: logger.critical('MrClassifier failed: %s' % e) logger.debug("Traceback is:", exc_info=sys.exc_info()) if hkl_info: try: hkl_info = hklin_result.get() except Exception as e: logger.critical('HklInfo failed: %s' % e) logger.debug("Traceback is:", exc_info=sys.exc_info()) return search_model_finder, classifier, hkl_info
[docs]def write_output_files(search_model_finder, hkl_info=None, classifier=None, ccp4cloud=None): # write out homologs for CCP4cloud # This code should be updated to separate the storing of homologs from the PFAM directives homologs_pfam = {} try: homologs = search_model_finder.homologs_as_dicts() homologs_js_out = os.path.abspath(HOMOLOGS_JS) with open(homologs_js_out, 'w') as w: w.write(json.dumps(homologs)) homologs_pfam = search_model_finder.homologs_with_graphics() if ccp4cloud: for homolog in homologs_pfam: del homolog['pdb_file'] except RuntimeError: logger.debug('No homologues found') models_pfam = {} try: models = search_model_finder.models_as_dicts() models_js_out = os.path.abspath(MODELS_JS) with open(models_js_out, 'w') as w: w.write(json.dumps(models)) models_pfam = search_model_finder.models_with_graphics() if ccp4cloud: for model in models_pfam: del model['pdb_file'] except RuntimeError: logger.debug('No models found') results_dict = {'pfam': {'homologs': homologs_pfam, 'models': models_pfam}} if classifier: results_dict['pfam'].update(classifier.pfam_dict()) if hkl_info: results_dict['hkl_info'] = hkl_info.as_dict() if ccp4cloud: del results_dict['hkl_info']['hklin'] results_json = json.dumps(results_dict) html_out = os.path.abspath(HTML_OUT) render_template(HTML_TEMPLATE, html_out, # kwargs appear as variables in the template mrparse_html_dir=HTML_DIR, results_json=results_json, version=__version__) return html_out
[docs]def render_template(in_file_path, out_file_path, **kwargs): """ Templates the given file with the keyword arguments. Parameters ---------- in_file_path : str The path to the template out_file_path : str The path to output the templated file **kwargs : dict Variables to use in templating """ env = Environment(loader=FileSystemLoader(os.path.dirname(in_file_path)), keep_trailing_newline=True) template = env.get_template(os.path.basename(in_file_path)) output = template.render(**kwargs) with open(out_file_path, "w") as f: f.write(output)