mrparse.mr_homolog module

Created on 18 Oct 2018

@author: jmht

class HomologData[source]

Bases: object

OBJECT_ATTRIBUTES = ['hit', 'region']
property chain_id
property length
property name
property pdb_id
property query_start
property query_stop
property range
property region_id
property region_index
property score
property seq_ident
property static_dict

Return a self representation with all properties resolved, suitable for JSON

exception PdbModelException[source]

Bases: Exception

calculate_ellg(homologs, hkl_info)[source]

Run PHASER to calculate the eLLG values and update the homolog data

Sourced from: ccp4-src-2016-02-10/checkout/cctbx-phaser-dials-2015-12-22/phaser/phaser/

ellg_data_from_phaser_log(fpath, homologs)[source]
homologs_from_hits(hits, pdb_dir=None)[source]
prepare_pdb(hit, pdb_dir)[source]

Download pdb or take file from cache trucate to required residues calculate the MW