Source code for mrparse.mr_pfam

Created on 16 Nov 2018

@author: jmht

from mrparse.mr_topcons import TM
from mrparse.mr_deepcoil import CC
from mrparse.mr_jpred import HELIX, SHEET
from mrparse.mr_annotation import get_annotation_chunks

from builtins import range
import colorsys

[docs]def get_N_HexCol(N=5): HSV_tuples = [(x * 1.0 / N, 0.5, 0.5) for x in range(N)] hex_out = [] for rgb in HSV_tuples: rgb = map(lambda x: int(x * 255), colorsys.hsv_to_rgb(*rgb)) hex_out.append("".join(map(lambda x: chr(x).encode('hex'), rgb))) return ['#' + h for h in hex_out]
[docs]def add_pfam_dict_to_homologs(homologs, sequence_length): # Need a better way of getting the number of regions nregions = len(set([h.region_id for h in homologs.values()])) region_colors = get_N_HexCol(nregions) for h in homologs.values(): start = h.query_start stop = h.query_stop name = region_id = h.region_id search_engine = h.hit.search_engine d = {'startStyle': "curved", 'endStyle': "curved", 'start': start, 'end': stop, 'aliStart': start, 'aliEnd': stop, 'colour': region_colors[h.region_index], 'text': name, 'metadata': {"description": "Homolog {} from region #{}".format(name, region_id), "database": "{} search".format(search_engine.upper()), "start": start, "end": stop} } jdict = {'length': sequence_length, 'regions': [d]} h._pfam_json = jdict
[docs]def add_pfam_dict_to_models(models, sequence_length): # Need a better way of getting the number of regions for m in models.values(): start = m.query_start stop = m.query_stop + 1 name = region_id = m.region_id plddt_regions = m.plddt_regions # 'colour': '#193f90' d = {'startStyle': "curved", 'endStyle': "curved", 'start': start, 'end': stop, 'aliStart': start, 'aliEnd': stop, 'colour': '#d3d3d3', 'text': "", 'metadata': {"description": "Model {} from region #{}".format(name, region_id), "database": "EBI AlphaFold database", "start": start, "end": stop} } motifs = [] colors = {'v_low': "ff7d45", "low": "ffdb13", "confident": "65cbf3", "v_high": "0053d6"} for quality in plddt_regions.keys(): for plddt_region in plddt_regions[quality]: plddt_region_start, plddt_region_end = plddt_region md = {'colour': colors[quality], 'metadata': {"description": quality, "database": "EBI AlphaFold database", "type": "Quality", "end": plddt_region_end, "start": plddt_region_start}, "type": "pLDDT", "display": "true", "end": plddt_region_end, "start": plddt_region_start } motifs.append(md) jdict = {'length': sequence_length, 'regions': [d], 'motifs': motifs } m._pfam_json = jdict
[docs]def pfam_dict_from_annotation(annotation): annotation_chunks = get_annotation_chunks(annotation) return pfam_dict_from_chunks(annotation_chunks, len(annotation))
[docs]def pfam_dict_from_chunks(chunk_data, seqlen): if not chunk_data: return None regions = [] for i, chunk in enumerate(chunk_data): idx = i + 1 if chunk.annotation == CC: colour = "#00ff00" text = meta_desc = "Coiled-coil region #%d" % idx elif chunk.annotation == TM: colour = "#aaaaaa" text = meta_desc = "Transmembrane region #%d" % idx elif chunk.annotation == HELIX: colour = "#ff0000" text = meta_desc = "Helix region #%d" % idx elif chunk.annotation == SHEET: colour = "#0000ff" text = meta_desc = "Beta strand region #%d" % idx d = {'startStyle': "straight", 'endStyle': "straight", 'start': chunk.start, 'end': chunk.end, 'aliStart': chunk.start, 'aliEnd': chunk.end, 'colour': colour, 'text': text, 'metadata': {"description": meta_desc, "database": chunk.annotation.source, "start": chunk.start, "end": chunk.end, } } regions.append(d) vis_data = {'length': seqlen, 'regions': regions} return vis_data