Source code for mrparse.mr_hkl

Created on 18 Oct 2018

@author: jmht
import os

from ample.util.ample_util import filename_append
from cctbx.crystal import symmetry
from mmtbx.scaling.matthews import matthews_rupp
from mrbump.ccp4.MRBUMP_ctruncate import Ctruncate

from iotbx import reflection_file_reader
from iotbx.reflection_file_utils import looks_like_r_free_flags_info

[docs]class GetLabels(object): """Class to get the column labels for input mtz file Attributes ---------- f : str f column label sigf : str fp column label i : str i column label sigi : str sigi column label fplus : str f(+) column label sigfplus : str sigf(+) column label fminus : str f(-) column label sigfminus : str sigf(-) column label iplus : str i(+) column label sigiplus : str sigi{+} column label iminus : str i(-) column label sigiminus : str sigi(-) column label dano : str dano column label sigdano : str sigdano column label free : str free column label """ def __init__(self, mtz_file): self.f = None self.sigf = None self.i = None self.sigi = None self.fplus = None self.sigfplus = None self.fminus = None self.sigfminus = None self.iplus = None self.sigiplus = None self.iminus = None self.sigiminus = None self.dano = None self.sigdano = None = None
[docs] def run(self, mtz_file): reflection_file = reflection_file_reader.any_reflection_file(file_name=mtz_file) if not reflection_file.file_type() == "ccp4_mtz": msg = "File is not of type ccp4_mtz: {0}".format(mtz_file) LOG.critical(msg) raise RuntimeError(msg) miller_arrays = reflection_file.as_miller_arrays() for m_a in miller_arrays: if looks_like_r_free_flags_info( and not =[0] elif self.check_anomalous(m_a): if self.check_for_dano_labels(m_a): if len( == 5: self.f, self.sigf, self.dano, self.sigdano, isym = elif len( == 4: self.f, self.sigf, self.dano, self.sigdano = elif len( == 2: self.dano, self.sigdano = else: LOG.debug("Unexpected number of columns found in anomalous miller array") elif self.check_for_plus_minus_labels(m_a): if m_a.is_xray_amplitude_array(): self.fplus, self.sigfplus, self.fminus, self.sigfminus = elif m_a.is_xray_intensity_array(): self.iplus, self.sigiplus, self.iminus, self.sigiminus = else: LOG.debug("Type of anomalous miller array unknown") else: LOG.debug("Type of anomalous miller array unknown") elif m_a.is_xray_intensity_array() and len( == 2 and not self.i: self.i, self.sigi = elif m_a.is_xray_amplitude_array() and len( == 2 and not self.f: self.f, self.sigf =
[docs] def check_anomalous(self, miller_array): if miller_array.anomalous_flag(): return True elif == "anomalous_difference": return True # Check for anomalous miller arrays which aren't properly labeled elif self.check_for_dano_labels(miller_array): return True elif self.check_for_plus_minus_labels(miller_array): return True return False
[docs] @staticmethod def check_for_dano_labels(miller_array): return any(["DANO" in i.upper() or "DP" == i.upper() for i in])
[docs] @staticmethod def check_for_plus_minus_labels(miller_array): return any(["(+)" in i for i in])
[docs]def crystal_data(mtz_file): """Set crystallographic parameters from mtz file Parameters ---------- mtz_file : str The path to the mtz file Returns ------- space_group : str The space group resolution : str The resolution cell_parameters : tuple The cell parameters """ reflection_file = reflection_file_reader.any_reflection_file(file_name=mtz_file) content = reflection_file.file_content() space_group = content.space_group_name().replace(" ", "") resolution = content.max_min_resolution()[1] cell_parameters = content.crystals()[0].unit_cell_parameters() return space_group, resolution, cell_parameters
[docs]class HklInfo(object): def __init__(self, hklin, seq_info=None): self.hklin = hklin self.seq_info = seq_info if not os.path.isfile(hklin): raise RuntimeError("Cannot find hklin file: %s" % hklin) = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(hklin))[0] self.labels = GetLabels(hklin) self.space_group, self.resolution, self.cell_parameters = crystal_data(self.hklin) self.predicted_solvent_content = None self.predicted_ncopies = None self.molecular_weight = None self.has_ncs = False self.has_twinning = False self.has_anisotropy = False if self.seq_info: self.molecular_weight = self.seq_info.molecular_weight self.calculate_matthews_probabilties() def __call__(self): """Required so that we can use multiprocessing pool. We need to be able to pickle the object passed to the pool and instance methods don't work, so we add the object to the pool and define __call__ """ self.check_pathologies() return self
[docs] def calculate_matthews_probabilties(self): crystal_symmetry = symmetry(unit_cell=self.cell_parameters, space_group_symbol=self.space_group) result = matthews_rupp(crystal_symmetry, n_residues=self.seq_info.nresidues) self.predicted_solvent_content = result.solvent_content self.predicted_ncopies = result.n_copies
[docs] def check_pathologies(self): """DOC TODO""" hklin = self.hklin hklout = filename_append(filename=hklin, directory=os.getcwd(), astr='fixcols') ctr_colin = None ctr_colin_sig = None plus_minus = None mtz_obj = self.labels ctr = Ctruncate() ctr.debug = False log_file = hklout.rsplit(".", 1)[0] + '.log' ctr.setlogfile(log_file) if mtz_obj.f: input_f = True else: input_f = False if mtz_obj.f or mtz_obj.i: plus_minus = False if mtz_obj.i: ctr_colin = mtz_obj.i ctr_colin_sig = mtz_obj.sigi else: ctr_colin = mtz_obj.f ctr_colin_sig = mtz_obj.sigf elif mtz_obj.iplus: plus_minus = True ctr_colin = [] ctr_colin_sig = [] ctr_colin.append(mtz_obj.fplus) ctr_colin.append(mtz_obj.fminus) ctr_colin_sig.append(mtz_obj.sigfplus) ctr_colin_sig.append(mtz_obj.sigfminus) elif mtz_obj.fplus: plus_minus = True ctr_colin = [] ctr_colin_sig = [] ctr_colin.append(mtz_obj.fplus) ctr_colin.append(mtz_obj.fminus) ctr_colin_sig.append(mtz_obj.sigfplus) ctr_colin_sig.append(mtz_obj.sigfminus) if mtz_obj.i and ctr.ctruncate(hklin, hklout, ctr_colin, ctr_colin_sig, colout="from_SIMBAD",, USEINTEN=True, INPUTF=input_f, PLUSMINUS=plus_minus) elif mtz_obj.i and not ctr.ctruncate(hklin, hklout, ctr_colin, ctr_colin_sig, colout="from_SIMBAD", USEINTEN=True, INPUTF=input_f, PLUSMINUS=plus_minus) elif ctr.ctruncate(hklin, hklout, ctr_colin, ctr_colin_sig, colout="from_SIMBAD",, USEINTEN=False, PLUSMINUS=plus_minus) else: ctr.ctruncate(hklin, hklout, ctr_colin, ctr_colin_sig, colout="from_SIMBAD", USEINTEN=False, PLUSMINUS=plus_minus) self.has_ncs = ctr.NCS self.has_twinning = ctr.TWIN self.has_anisotropy = ctr.ANISO os.unlink(hklout) return
[docs] def as_dict(self): attrs = ['hklin', 'name', 'space_group', 'resolution', 'cell_parameters', 'has_ncs', 'has_twinning', 'has_anisotropy'] d = {} for k, v in self.__dict__.items(): if k in attrs: d[k] = v return d
[docs] def as_html(self): return """ <table border="1"> <thead> <tr style="text-align: right;"> <th>name</th> <th>Resolution</th> <th>Space Group</th> <th>Has NCS?</th> <th>Has Twinning?</th> <th>Has Anisotropy?</th> <th>File Path</th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr> <td>{name}</td> <td>{resolution:5.3F}</td> <td>{space_group}</td> <td>{has_ncs}</td> <td>{has_twinning}</td> <td>{has_anisotropy}</td> <td>{hklin}</td> </tr> </tbody> </table> """.format(**self.__dict__)
def __str__(self): ostr = "HKL Info for file %s\n" % self.hklin ostr += "Space Group: %s\n" % self.space_group ostr += "Resolution: %s\n" % self.resolution # ostr += "Cell Parameters: %s\n" % self.cell_parameters ostr += "Has NCS?: %s\n" % self.has_ncs ostr += "Has Twinning?: %s\n" % self.has_twinning ostr += "Has Anisotropy?: %s\n" % self.has_anisotropy return ostr