Source code for mrparse.mr_deepcoil

Created on 18 Oct 2018

@author: jmht

import logging
import os
from mrparse.mr_annotation import AnnotationSymbol, SequenceAnnotation, NULL_ANNOTATION
from mrparse.mr_util import now, is_exe, run_cmd


CC = AnnotationSymbol()
CC.symbol = 'C'
CC.stype = 'Coiled-coil Helix' = 'CC'

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class CCPred(object): """Class to run Coiled-coil prediction using Deepcoil: As Deepcoil has a length limit of 30 < 500 residues, anything over 500 we need to split into chunks Notes: The sequence code should be numpified """ def __init__(self, seq_info, deepcoil_exe): self.seq_info = seq_info self.deepcoil_exe = deepcoil_exe self.prediction = None
[docs] def get_prediction(self): logger.debug("CCPred starting prediction at: %s" % now()) if not is_exe(self.deepcoil_exe): raise RuntimeError("Cannot find or execute required Deepcoil script: {}".format(self.deepcoil_exe)) if self.seq_info.nresidues < DEEPCOIL_MIN_RESIDUES or self.seq_info.nresidues > DEEPCOIL_MAX_RESIDUES: raise RuntimeError( "Cannot run Deepcoils as sequence length of {} is outside Deepoil limits of {} < {}".format( self.seq_info.nresidues, DEEPCOIL_MIN_RESIDUES, DEEPCOIL_MAX_RESIDUES)) scores = probabilites_from_sequence(self.seq_info, self.deepcoil_exe) ann = SequenceAnnotation() ann.source = 'Deepcoil localhost' ann.library_add_annotation(CC) ann.scores = scores ann.annotation = "".join([CC.symbol if float(p) > THRESHOLD_PROBABILITY else NULL_ANNOTATION.symbol for p in scores]) logger.debug("CCPred finished prediction at: %s" % now()) self.prediction = ann
[docs]def probabilites_from_sequence(seq_info, deepcoil_exe): output = run_deepcoil(seq_info, deepcoil_exe) aa, probabilities = parse_deepcoil(output) return probabilities
[docs]def run_deepcoil(seq_info, deepcoil_exe): """run deepcoil and return the ouptut file Currently the deepcoil script has no argument to specify the filename and automatically takes it from the header of the fasta. As it will mangle the name to ensure a valid filename is produced, it makes it hard to know what the file will be called. We therefore write out our own fasta file with a set header so we know what the file will be called. """ name = 'deepcoil_input' input_fasta = '{}.fasta'.format(name) seq_info.write(input_fasta, 'fasta', description=name) cmd = [deepcoil_exe, '-i', input_fasta] run_cmd(cmd) out_file = '{}.out'.format(name) if not os.path.isfile(out_file): logger.debug("Could not find named deepcoil output file: %s", out_file) os.unlink(input_fasta) return out_file
[docs]def parse_deepcoil(outfile): with open(outfile) as fh: tuples = [line.split() for line in fh.readlines()] aa, vals = zip(*tuples) return aa, vals