Source code for mrparse.mr_classify

Created on 18 Oct 2018

@author: jmht
import logging
import threading
import sys

from mrparse.mr_deepcoil import CCPred
# from mrparse.mr_topcons import TMPred
from mrparse.mr_tmhmm import TMPred
from mrparse.mr_jpred import JPred
from mrparse.mr_pfam import pfam_dict_from_annotation

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class PredictorThread(threading.Thread): def __init__(self, classifier): super(PredictorThread, self).__init__() self.classifier = classifier self.exc_info = None self.exception = None
[docs] def run(self): try: self.classifier.get_prediction() except Exception as e: self.exc_info = sys.exc_info() self.exception = e
[docs]class MrClassifier(object): def __init__(self, seq_info, do_ss_predictor=True, do_cc_predictor=True, do_tm_predictor=True, tmhmm_exe=None, deepcoil_exe=None): self.seq_info = seq_info self.do_ss_predictor = do_ss_predictor self.do_cc_predictor = do_cc_predictor self.do_tm_predictor = do_tm_predictor self.tmhmm_exe = tmhmm_exe self.deepcoil_exe = deepcoil_exe self.ss_prediction = None self.classification_prediction = None def __call__(self): """Required so that we can use multiprocessing pool. We need to be able to pickle the object passed to the pool and instance methods don't work, so we add the object to the pool and define __call__ """ self.get_prediction() return self
[docs] def get_prediction(self): if self.do_cc_predictor: cc_predictor = CCPred(self.seq_info, self.deepcoil_exe) cc_thread = PredictorThread(cc_predictor) cc_thread.start() if self.do_tm_predictor: tm_predictor = TMPred(self.seq_info, self.tmhmm_exe) tm_thread = PredictorThread(tm_predictor) tm_thread.start() if self.do_ss_predictor: ss_predictor = JPred(seq_info=self.seq_info) ss_thread = PredictorThread(ss_predictor) ss_thread.start() # wait for jobs to finish if self.do_cc_predictor: cc_thread.join()'Coiled-Coil predictor finished') if self.do_tm_predictor: tm_thread.join()'TM predictor finished') if self.do_ss_predictor: ss_thread.join()'SS predictor finished') # Handle errors if self.do_cc_predictor and cc_thread.exception: logger.critical("Coiled-Coil predictor raised an exception: %s" % cc_thread.exception) logger.debug("Traceback is:", exc_info=cc_thread.exc_info) self.do_cc_predictor = False if self.do_tm_predictor and tm_thread.exception: logger.critical("Transmembrane predictor raised an exception: %s" % tm_thread.exception) logger.debug("Traceback is:", exc_info=tm_thread.exc_info) self.do_tm_predictor = False # Determine pediction if self.do_cc_predictor and self.do_tm_predictor: self.classification_prediction = self.generate_consensus_classification([cc_predictor.prediction, tm_predictor.prediction]) elif self.do_cc_predictor: self.classification_prediction = cc_predictor.prediction elif self.do_tm_predictor: self.classification_prediction = tm_predictor.prediction if self.do_ss_predictor: if ss_thread.exception: logger.critical("JPred predictor raised error: %s" % ss_thread.exception) logger.debug("Traceback is:", exc_info=ss_thread.exc_info) else: self.ss_prediction = ss_predictor.prediction
[docs] @staticmethod def generate_consensus_classification(annotations): lengths = [len(a) for a in annotations] assert lengths.count(lengths[0]) == len(lengths), "Annotations have different lengths: %s" % lengths for i, a in enumerate(annotations): if i == 0: consensus = a continue consensus = consensus + a return consensus
[docs] def pfam_dict(self): d = {} if self.classification_prediction: d['classification'] = pfam_dict_from_annotation(self.classification_prediction) if self.ss_prediction: d['ss_pred'] = pfam_dict_from_annotation(self.ss_prediction) return d